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Tag: visualization

Visualize in great detail or play a movie in your mind of successful outcomes you want to achieve. Most of us visualize before we want something to happen. However, it’s much more powerful to use 90 seconds during or after an incident and visualize a successful outcome.

Ways to Practice Future Pacing Daily — An Amazing Way to Conquer Life Crises

Future pacing is a neuro-linguistic programming technique that you use to create positive expectations, which gives you the experience of enjoying the desired results right now!It cannot be denied that the pandemic changed us; it inserted a pause into our lives that has been hard to recover from. Have you noticed the different ways it may still impact your motivation? Perhaps it caused you to rethink your possibilities. Or did you put your life on hold and give up on some dreams? How do you get your motivation back? There’s an amazing NLP skill that puts you back in control so you never need to feel helpless like this ever again. It’s future pacing — this is where you direct your mind to go into the future, visualizing something tangible and positive.

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How to Use the Power of Visualization for Remarkable Business Success

When you use the power of visualization you experience fully what you want from your life and business. How do you want all aspects of your life to be like 5 years from now? 

When you engage the power of visualization you’re more likely to achieve your Big Dreams.Creating a dream business can be exhilarating! Yet, service professionals like coaches and therapists often struggle with putting down on paper a business proposal that’s actually going to work for them. The reason? Usually, it’s because they focus on creating a to-do list that seldom gets done. If you want to turbo-charge your business, unlock the power of visualization.

What is the power of visualization? It involves using all of your five senses to make an experiential dive into what you really want from your business. In your mind’s eye, you experience it – you see it, feel it, smell it, and taste it. When you engage these senses in your business goals and plans, you become empowered in an extraordinary way. How do you do that?

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Do You Follow These 7 Easy, Baby Steps to Success? This Process Works!

Learn from a real-life example showing how to use the seven baby steps to success and you’ll have the skills to make any of your Big Dreams come true.“I wish…” We do it all the time, don’t we? We learned about making wishes from fairy tales. Magically, what you desire appears, without any effort. That’s not how real life happens, however. Yet so many of our goals remain wishes. “I wish I could  lose weight.” “I wish I could write a book.” “I wish I could start a new career.” Wishing alone doesn’t make your dreams come true. There’s more to traveling the steps to success.

Yes, wishing, wanting and dreaming are quite important to our human experience. They are the genesis from which we create a desire to do something different, to be more.

I urge you to be a Dreamer and dream big. But don’t stop there. Being a Dreamer won’t make your dreams come true. They’ll eventually languish in a drawer and will never see the light of day. So what’s next?

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How to Succeed at Anything – Master the Five Stages of Your Inner Game

How to succeed at anything – if you desire, you can succeed at anything when you master the five stages of your inner game, aligning your body, mind and spirit.When we want to succeed at something new, we look to experts to guide us and help us master new goals and techniques. But being told by someone what we should do doesn’t necessarily help because it’s too easy to forget the advice and revert back to old habits. So there has to be more to the story of knowing how to succeed at anything.

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of trying too hard — the more you try the worse it gets. That happens because your focus is on the error, which keeps multiplying it. It’s like the person skidding on a slick road toward a telephone pole. Because your eye is on the pole you unconsciously steer toward it, even if you don’t want to. But if you keep your eyes on where you really want to go, you’ll be more likely to come out of the skid.

In order to reach your goal what you need, beyond expert advice, is to master your own inner game. It has to go beyond just a mental effort. It must involve your body wisdom, too. 

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What’s Holding You Back? Break Free and Step Forward with Courage!

What's holding you back? You want a better life, but you sabotage yourself. Why? Here’s what you can do to Step Forward.“Sometimes the future changes quickly and completely, and we’re left with only the choice of what to do next. We can choose to be afraid of it. Just stand there trembling, not moving. Assuming the worst that can happen. Or we step forward into the unknown, and assume it will be brilliant.” ~ Sandra Oh

Carla (not her real name) came to me as she was beginning to dream big dreams. She felt like she’d spent her whole life waiting for her life to begin. She wanted desperately to start stepping forward into life, but she wasn’t sure how. Yet, at every turn, she seemed to be sabotaging herself. She’d say, “I can’t, because… I want to, but I’m just not ready. I just don’t understand what’s holding me back!” I recognized that she was a very strong and capable woman, but her limiting beliefs were holding her back. 

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I invite you to learn more about me and my coaching and counseling services. Please contact me to schedule an “It starts with you!” 30-minute complimentary consultation with me, in-person, by phone or via video consultation, so we can explore our partnership.


How to Step Forward to a Future You've Created

Discover how to replace your old, self-limiting map with a new map full of possibilities for the future