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Tag: Tea Time Exercise

Resolve Internal Conflicts with My NLP Tea Time Exercise

If you’ve ever feel conflicted or indecisive, this NLP Tea Time exercise can help you resolve internal conflicts so your various Parts can act harmoniously.

Ignoring, numbing, or fighting against your feelings isn’t the answer. When you have an internal conflict, the discomfort you feel is a signal that something is important and you need to pay attention! You can make friends with your discomfort, resolve internal conflicts and restore inner peace.  Let me share my secret for how I do it…

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Parts Integration – How to Stop Self-Sabotage and Cultivate Internal Harmony

Use my Tea Time exercise that’s based on NLP Parts Integration Technique to create internal harmony and end inner conflictPart of you wants to, part of you doesn’t  — so you turn an opportunity down because it feels safer…but you then regret that decision. Learn why you experience feelings like these and how Parts Integration Techniques can help you create internal harmony and balance so you never miss out on an opportunity again!

Too often we’re plagued by self-sabotaging behavior. For instance, you want to lose weight but you keep turning to that carton of chocolate ice cream for comfort. Or you want to be a successful manager, but you rub people the wrong way, or unwittingly create drama so you’re always putting out fires.

Self-sabotaging behavior occurs when different “parts” of your self are conflicted. You want success, but a Part of you doesn’t believe you deserve it. You want to be healthy and fit, but a Part of you self-medicates unhealed emotional wounds with comfort food.

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How to Step Forward to a Future You've Created

Discover how to replace your old, self-limiting map with a new map full of possibilities for the future