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Tag: motivation

Is your attic full of unfinished projects? Are your shelves teeming with training courses you started, but never completed? Do your relationships feel unfulfilling and stagnant? How often do you feel really excited and motivated to try something new, but as you begin, fear creeps in and stops you from taking the next step necessary to moving forward? If this is the case, your motivation is lacking harmony between action and fear.

Motivation vs Self-discipline: Don’t Ask, “Which is Better?” Here’s Why You Need Both!

The life you’ll enjoy most is the life you create for yourself. Yes, there’s a trend of people wanting life to be handed to them or thinking the world owes them, but you and I know that attitude doesn’t bring satisfaction or self-fulfillment. We not only need the desire (Motivation) but we need the baby steps forward (Self-discipline) to make life changes happen. Let me say this again… get rid of the motivation vs self-discipline mentality and adopt the motivation AND self-discipline mindset. This puts us in control of our lives. Amazing things happen when we recognize that we’re in the driver’s seat, as Robert Greene noted, 

“It is time to reverse this prejudice against conscious effort and to see the powers we gain through practice and discipline as eminently inspiring and even miraculous.” 

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Low Motivation – 5 Powerful Ways to Harmonize Action and Fear

Life motivation can make you stronger and unstoppable when you harmonize or balance your fears with your motivation, so learn five life skills to do so.

Is your closet full of unfinished projects? Are your shelves covered with training courses you started, but never completed? Do you have relationships that are unfulfilling and stagnant? How often do you feel really excited and motivated to try something new, but as you begin, fear creeps in and stops you from taking the next step necessary to moving forward? If you suffer from  low motivation learn to bravely take action by creating harmony within yourself when you feel fear.

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My Top 10 Self Motivation Techniques Guaranteed to Keep You Energized

My Top 10 Self Motivation Techniques Guaranteed to Keep You Energized “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.” ~ Amelia Earhart

Some days you jump out of bed because you can’t wait to begin your day. Other times, it’s hard to make yourself do anything. What accounts for this? What self-motivation techniques can you use to get you through the tough days?

There are many factors that either support or undermine motivation…the amount and quality of sleep, diet, exercise, emotional and mental state, curiosity and interest are just a few. But the biggest factor comes down to YOUR reason why. After all, motivation begins with motive. I encourage you to get into the habit of asking yourself, “What is my motive for saying or doing this?”

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What Is the Most Important Step You’ll Take to Achieve Success?

Do you ever feel stuck, unmotivated or overwhelmed? Learn the most important step you can take to achieve success and six different mindsets that will help.“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” ~ Robert Collier

When a baby takes her first step, are the parents overjoyed because she traveled to a marvelous destination? Not at all! That first step means the baby is beginning to master a new skill she’ll use throughout her life. And when the baby plops down on her bottom, does she give up? No. Up she struggles and laughingly takes another step. How can reflecting on this help you determine what the most important step is for you to achieve success in your family, community, business, and life?

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How to Get People to Do Something with the Training You Provide

Nothing is more frustrating than trying to teach someone something and they just don’t get it or take action on it. After all, the job of a leader is to get people to do something, not simply to know something. “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them become what they are capable of being.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Nothing is more frustrating than trying to teach someone something, and they just don’t get it or take action on it. After all, the job of a leader is to get people to do something, not simply to know something. You can get people to act by a variety of methods: demanding, coercing, guilting, shaming, pleading, motivating, inspiring, convincing, reasoning, tricking, etc. However, the best ways to get people to do something focus on helping them see outside the box – to think expansively about themselves, others, and the opportunities in front of them.

As a leader, it’s imperative that you know the challenges your team or clients face. (For the purposes of clarity, within this article, I’ll refer to those that you lead as your “followers”.)  Here are three common, but very critical, life and business skills that followers, especially Millenials and Gen Xers, need to improve today, plus suggestions on how you get them to see outside the box on each one…

1. Clear communication skills. Many people grow up in families plagued by communication gaps, so it’s not surprising that they lack communication skills as adults. People often imagine that they know what the other person means. Between the two extremes – droning on without revealing anything or speaking cryptically and leaving out critical information – there is a sweet spot of communicating with clarity and completeness of thought.

Help your followers see that clear communication stems from respect for others, acknowledging that everyone has something of value to offer. When they understand they have a common purpose, they’ll want to give all the relevant information others need to excel in their portion of the job.


2. Self-worth and self-motivation. People internalize too much – they confuse doing something with being something. As a result, they don’t trust themselves; they constantly wait for others to tell them what to do. Through your words and actions, you can intentionally plant seeds of growth that replace their limiting doubts. 

Help your followers develop mindfulness, so they can assess themselves accurately. Let them see that you believe in them. As you guide them from the sidelines, reinforce that each step forward is important. This will add to their self-confidence and self-trust.


3. Critical thinking. Critical or analytical thinking requires a person to slow down and gather information and then see its importance in relation to other information. It involves recognizing the cause and effect of a certain course of action. It takes a lot of effort to weed out irrelevant information and distill the important information into actionable and insightful recommendations.

Help your followers become more curious by encouraging them to have the self-discipline to dig deeply. They do this by asking “why?” over and over, until the subject is thoroughly understood. Make sure they ask “why?” from their own standpoint and also from an opposing viewpoint. This will help them become aware of any biases they might have.


These simple, but powerful, suggestions can help you get your followers to finally take action and do something with the training you give. Are you striving to improve your leadership skills? What challenges you the most? Please come over to my Facebook page and share your thoughts. Also, in September, my colleague Louise Santiago and I are hosting “Women, Wisdom & Presence – Evolving our presence in the world” in Mindo, Ecuador. Together, we’ll explore how to recognize, name, and support the leader within. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

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I invite you to learn more about me and my coaching and counseling services. Please contact me to schedule an “It starts with you!” 30-minute complimentary consultation with me, in-person, by phone or via video consultation, so we can explore our partnership.


How to Step Forward to a Future You've Created

Discover how to replace your old, self-limiting map with a new map full of possibilities for the future