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Search Results for “self awareness

Find Your Balance

Find Your Balance Moving into Balance: Experience the Power of Inward & Outward Movement The art of functional movement offers a powerful vehicle for reconnecting to the body and to our innate somatic wisdom. Moving the body can catalyze a healing of the psyche, body, and soul and provides a wonderful way to release stress and […]

About Somatic Coaching

Discover the Benefits of Somatic Coaching Somatic coaching creates a much higher self-awareness than traditional psychotherapy and personal-development coaching. This is because rather than focusing solely on thoughts and emotions, somatic coaching incorporates your entire body. The word somatic comes from the Greek root word “soma”, which means “the living body in its wholeness.” The […]

Principals and Benefits of Sponsorship

A powerful approach to healing is that of self-relations.  The primary objective of this new psychotherapy is to focus on the relationship between a person and their own self. In my last post, I shared some of my in-depth study with Stephen Gilligan, Ph.D, who came up with this approach. The idea is that each […]

When and How to Practice Mindfulness

In my current series of blog posts I’ve been examining mindfulness as a way to access powerful inner resources so we can change the way we see – and ultimately experience – difficult situations. You can read the last couple posts to get an overview of mindfulness and better understand the benefits. Here are two […]

Personal Growth by Understanding Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a practice that I’ve found to be a critical part of personal growth. In fact, I have a Mindfulness-Based Group that is based on using mindfulness as a way to reduce stress and improve the quality of life. I will be sharing in a series of blog posts information about mindfulness and how […]

Let's get started with 30 free minutes

I invite you to learn more about me and my coaching and counseling services. Please contact me to schedule an “It starts with you!” 30-minute complimentary consultation with me, in-person, by phone or via video consultation, so we can explore our partnership.


How to Step Forward to a Future You've Created

Discover how to replace your old, self-limiting map with a new map full of possibilities for the future