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Maintain Your Inner Strength and Stop Giving Your Power Away

Maintain your inner strength or painful life events may cause people pleasing behavior that erodes your power until you’re not able to stand up for yourselfHave you ever bared your feelings to someone you trusted, but they responded with a dismissive or judgmental response? Perhaps it even caused a rift in the relationship that has never healed?

That rejection can cause a life-altering pain. In order to avoid experiencing that pain again, you may adopt a people-pleasing behavior. You hide your feelings, needs and opinions, so they won’t be trampled on again. And over time you find that your inner strength has seeped away. You can’t even say “no” when you need or want to. Instead you remain quiet and acquiesce; silently berating yourself because you wish you could stand up for yourself.

Perhaps this is how you’re feeling right now. Painful life events can give you a double whammy – the initial pain and then a lingering unresolved hurt that actually redefines who you are and robs you of your power. Would you like to become more assertive as you restore your inner strength and reclaim your authentic self once again?

Let’s first examine some situations that can destroy your inner strength and rob you of power. It can happen…

  • When someone says something negative, critical or judgmental about you and you remain silent or mentally agree.
  • When you shift into a reactive mode and you don’t give yourself time to think and be who you really want to be.
  • When you stay so busy you don’t have time to think and process life.
  • When you don’t mindfully and daily reflect on what’s important to you.
  • When you’re emotions are out of control or you’re discouraged and depressed.
  • When you’re not getting enough sleep, proper nutrition, and exercise.
  • When you isolate yourself and aren’t making meaningful connections.

All of these manifest a lack of self-love, which drains your inner strength. But you can restore your self-worth! When you retrain your brain, you’ll be able to access your inner strength and power again.

How can you replenish your inner strength and reclaim your power? Here’s a practice that can help you reconnect…

  1. Close your eyes and become fully aware of your breathing and your body sensations.
  2. Breathe deeply from your belly until your body and mind relaxes.
  3. Now, think of the last time you gave away your power and scan your body, noticing where you feel tense.
  4. Welcome whatever emotion arises and accept it with kindness.
  5. Ask yourself, “What past story is this emotion connected to?”
  6. What happened then is not your reality today, so tell yourself, “I release you,” and let it float off into the sky.
  7. Open your eyes and shake it off.
  8. Do a few somatic movements to discharge any lingering self-limiting beliefs.
  9. Now bring awareness to your core, and connect to all that empowers you – your strengths, talents, resilience, and good qualities.
  10. Focus on these empowering thoughts to restore your self-love, inner strength and power. Be convinced you can do and be anything you want.

A consistent mindfulness practice gives you the inner strength to turn toward your feelings with acceptance. When you quit ignoring and fighting them, something will shift within you. You’re self-love will reassure you that you are worthy. You are loveable. You are valuable. You do have people who care about you. You do have a meaningful purpose in life. When you feel empowered in this way, you’ll be able to stand up for yourself, speaking your truth.

If you’d like a guide to restoring your balance, please, download my free 7-Point Body Wellness Assessment. It will help you identify the areas that most need your attention right now and what you can do to bring healing and empowerment to your life.

Positive thoughts - Negative thoughts, Self-Confidence

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