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Category: Transform Your Life

What Sustainable Living Really Means. This May Surprise You!

Sustainable living means more than caring for planet Earth. Burnout and stress show we need to learn to USE and RENEW our personal resources.
When people think about sustainable living they often focus on living green or minimalistic. They know the earth’s resources are limited so they try to use them sensibly. It makes sense to take care of the planet we live on. 

However, the same people treat their personal resources differently. They push, use, hustle, rush, and demand more of themselves than their bodies and minds can handle. That creates a huge disconnect in their approach to sustainable living. Because if we can’t sustain our own lives, how can we sustain the resources of this planet? Somehow, at some point, the commitment to living sustainably will break down because… it’s not sustainable!

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Is Your Master Life Plan Flexible Enough to Make This Your Best Year Yet?

Create a Master Life Plan so this is your best year yet!

Every December, I engage in a powerful ritual called Best Year Yet. It’s a time when I pause, reflect, and realign my vision for the year ahead. This process often reveals something profound, a shift in how I understand myself in connection with performance and potential. This new understanding is the foundation that helps me adjust my Master Life Plan. 

I created my Master Life Plan years ago with the intention that it be flexible — allowing me to grow or rest as I need. It guides me throughout each coming year, making it better than the last. Do you do something similar to get ready for a new year?

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The Body Remembers: Surprising Ways Family Dynamics Affect You

Because the body remembers, visiting relatives may flood you with emotions and physical reactions that you can release through somatic exercises.There’s something profound about returning to the places and people that shaped us. Recently, I went back to Italy to visit my family, spending time with my mom and my brother—who holds a special place in my heart. Being back in the home I grew up in was a comforting experience, but it also stirred up a mixture of memories, both joyful and challenging. I felt firsthand how deeply the body remembers, holding traces of these formative experiences even when we aren’t consciously aware of them.

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Courageous Self-Loyalty in a Busy World — It’s Not Selfish. It’s Vital!

Striking a balance between loyalty for self and others means staying true to who we are while honoring our commitments to those we care about. True loyalty is sustainable when we respect both others and ourselves.Do you value and expect loyalty from those closest to you?  When we’re loyal, we’ve got their back no matter what. We never lose faith in them, because we know how devastating disloyalty is — it’s the ultimate betrayal. So, let me ask, Do you have that kind of loyalty for yourself? Or do you think loyalty to others means giving up self-loyalty?

Yes, in good relationships we all make sacrifices and compromises. That’s the give-and-take that helps us dance through life. However, all give and no take makes us off-balanced and unwell. Take, for example, Zoe…

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Skill Set vs. Mindset – Which Will Help You Achieve the Life You Love?

Skill set vs. mindset — which helps you achieve the life you desire? All the skills in the world won’t help you unless you believe you can.From day one, we focused on learning new skills – learning to walk, read, or ride a bike. Academically, we were encouraged to acquire new skills and we dedicated ourselves to building our resume by attending school, getting a degree, and signing up for continuing education. Obviously, a well-rounded skill set is important but what about your mindset? In skill set vs. mindset is there a clear winner when you’re trying to design the life you love?

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I invite you to learn more about me and my coaching and counseling services. Please contact me to schedule an “It starts with you!” 30-minute complimentary consultation with me, in-person, by phone or via video consultation, so we can explore our partnership.


How to Step Forward to a Future You've Created

Discover how to replace your old, self-limiting map with a new map full of possibilities for the future