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Category: Somatic Coaching

Somatic Coaching will unlock your potential, revealing the body/mind connection that’s vital for living a full, rich life as a person and business professional. It gives you the skills to make subtle shifts in how you use your body as you create mindfulness and awareness that exponentially increases your ability to influence, listen, be resilient, manage stress, maintain energy and be more effective.

The Remedy for Burnout is Not Recreation but Sustainability

The traditional approach to burnout goes something like this: Push hard, reach exhaustion, take a break, repeat. It's a cycle that might seem manageable in the short term, but it's fundamentally unsustainable. Each cycle tends to require longer recovery periods and produces diminishing returns.“Exhausted. Totally drained.” “No motivation.” “Feeling disconnected.” “Can’t focus. Can’t keep up.” “Overwhelmed” “Don’t want to do it any more.” “I can’t do it any more!” Many of my clients are expressing sentiments like these when I ask how they’re feeling. Then our conversations center on finding a remedy for burnout. However, I’d like to share something profound that I’ve learned from this…

We live in times of great opportunities, but they come with monumental responsibilities and challenges. High achieving women manage the work/life juggling act for a while. But something has to give. And what usually gives is your spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health. Then it’s a long, hard struggle to recover.

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PADLE Model — The Best Way to Lead Yourself and Others to Excellence

The PADLE Model — The Best Way to Lead Yourself and Others to ExcellenceIntroducing my comprehensive PADLE Model. If you want new habits that make life changes stick, you must determine why you’re doing what you’re doing and create systems that support the changes you desire. Follow the PADLE Model and you’ll have a life-long tool that gives you the self-awareness and determination you need to lead yourself to success.

When was the last time you caught yourself doing something that surprised or even appalled you, and you mentally berated yourself, “Why did I do (or say) that? I didn’t really mean it. Where, in the world, did THAT come from?!” We’ve all done it. 

We all have times when we simply aren’t aware of how our present state or past history impacts us. Just one slip in this awareness can severely affect, even alter, our relationships with others personally or professionally. Learning to be more mindfully self-aware can minimize or avoid any damage that might result from times like these.

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30 Little-Known Business-Enhancing Beliefs that Power Your Success

What is the secret to meeting changes with greater efficiency and effectiveness? It’s the business-enhancing beliefs you cultivate! Our success as business owners depends more on the following business-enhancing beliefs than on techniques and training. 

When you’re a business owner, keeping up with the increasing complexity of the global economy, technology, lifestyles and business opportunities is extremely challenging. It’s vital for you to deal with change and communicate that change to your team with efficiency and effectiveness.

What is the secret to meeting changes with greater efficiency and effectiveness? It’s the business-enhancing beliefs you cultivate! This means you consciously nurture thinking patterns and value systems that serve your greater purpose in life. Learning to live in your body through a deeper awareness of your mind-body connection can accelerate this progress.

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What is Somatic Therapy aka Body Psychotherapy? It’s Powerful & Transformative!

Somatic Therapy is a mindful awareness of the mind/body connection. The body tells you what you need for emotional healing and personal growth. “What is Somatic therapy? It’s mindfully becoming attuned to your mind-body connection. Your body tells you what is needed for emotional healing and further personal growth. Somatic therapy teaches you to listen to your body’s wisdom. It doesn’t mean you need to be “fixed”. It means you want to become the best version of YOU possible.” ~ Maria Connolly

How would you feel if all the clothing stores sold only one size? You walk in and every item is size 2, or maybe it’s size 20. That would be appalling, wouldn’t it?  You deserve clothes that fit you. The same is true of your health care. We don’t want a one-size-fits-all approach. We want practitioners who see our unique needs and use the best therapeutic approach that gives us emotional healing and personal growth. 

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Engage a Receiving Mindset. It’s The Power Skill That Makes Life Changes Last!

Developing a receiving mindset is more than looking for the silver lining. It’s not rationalizing, talking yourself into seeing negatives positively. Often, we think that changing a behavior means that we stop doing, or give up, something. For example, If I want to stop gaining weight, I need to stop eating sugar or carbs. However, a more positive and productive way to think about it is to engage a receiving mindset. 

What does a receiving mindset look like? You’re going to be adventurous and experiment with different vegetables and fruits and ways of preparing them. As a result, you’ll be gaining a wider variety of food that’s better for you so you feel like you want to feel. You’ll actually be eating more of the good stuff.

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I invite you to learn more about me and my coaching and counseling services. Please contact me to schedule an “It starts with you!” 30-minute complimentary consultation with me, in-person, by phone or via video consultation, so we can explore our partnership.


How to Step Forward to a Future You've Created

Discover how to replace your old, self-limiting map with a new map full of possibilities for the future