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Category: ICF Mentor

Accelerate Your Personal and Professional Growth — Apply Mentor Coaching “Miracle Grow”!

At times the changes to our personal and professional growth are immediately seen, while other times our growth is hidden until a major growth spurt.We can learn a lot from plants. They are constantly in a cycle of growing and changing. If you pay attention to and provide what each plant likes and needs, you’ll have a lovely, productive garden. Of course, they can suffer transplant shock when they’re moved from one spot to another, but when you give them the right amount of a plant food like MiracleGro, they take off like crazy! What does this have to do with your personal and professional growth? 

We similarly are constantly changing, but we’re not necessarily growing unless we choose to do so. But aren’t we the happiest when we are growing? I know I am. And that’s where the Miracle Grow of Mentor Coaching comes in…

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Make Peace with Your Past – A Pivotal Conversation that Leads to Freedom

Here are four steps you can use to make peace with your past, by organizing and making sense of your experiences, so you can finally let go of the hurt.One of the most emotionally charged subjects you’ll ever talk with your clients about is how their past affects their present. When it comes to making peace with the past, it’s the hurtful aspects of the past that keep us stuck. It’s especially a problem when people continue to punish themselves, attach harmful meanings to past events, or perhaps see no meaning at all.

You can use the following outline to help you talk candidly with your clients about this emotionally painful topic. In this way, they can begin the healing process. 

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Achieve Excellence – Proven Ways to Make Accountability Work for You

Achieving excellence always results from focused, energetic, and consistent supervision and training. The coaching culture of accountability is vital.When you think of the word excellence, what images spring to mind? Is it the fine craftsmanship of a superior sailing ship? Or perhaps you think of an influential leader who masterfully brings out the best in the crowds that flock to her. How do people achieve excellence like that? 

Excellence is not only for an elite few. Admittedly, some people are predisposed to traits that come readily to them. But no one excels without dedication and consistent effort. Can you upgrade from ‘settling for good enough’ to ‘achieving excellence’? Yes!

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3 Ways to Fully Benefit From Mentor Coaching: #1 Build A Strong Foundation

You can benefit from mentor coaching the most by communicating needs, managing expectations, and doing the work to build skills and change behavior. You can be a coach without being a mentor. And you can be a mentor without being a coach. Isn’t this just a case of semantics? Don’t coaches, mentors, consultants, and trainers all do the same thing basically? No, there are subtle but vital differences that form the relationship between the client and the Mentor/Coach/Trainer/Counselor. You need to understand these differences to fully benefit from Mentor Coaching, which is the ultimate way to accelerate personal and professional growth. Mentor Coaching is like coaching on steroids!

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How to Become an Influential Coach and Inspire Others to Greatness

You can be an influential coach, in life or business, when you employ these four easy-to-learn skills that bring out the best in yourself and others. Is there an influential coach you greatly admire and aspire to be like? What is it about her that makes you want to be like her? When you look closely, you’ll find it’s not because she’s charismatic and mesmerizes you. Or that she “leads” by bullying or intimidating. A good leader influences others by example, bringing the best out in those around her because she walks the talk.

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I invite you to learn more about me and my coaching and counseling services. Please contact me to schedule an “It starts with you!” 30-minute complimentary consultation with me, in-person, by phone or via video consultation, so we can explore our partnership.


How to Step Forward to a Future You've Created

Discover how to replace your old, self-limiting map with a new map full of possibilities for the future