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Category: Fearless Mindset

Rather than thinking fear is an unpleasant emotion that signals danger, learn ways to cultivate a fearless mind so that when you feel fear you can embrace it as an opportunity to become fully aware of your surroundings and connect with you inner power to handle it.

Celebrate the Unique Person You Are and Stop Being a People Pleaser

When you start from a grounded, well-balanced sense of self and others, it isn’t difficult to stand up for yourself and celebrate the unique person you are. Imbalance, or people pleasing, comes when you care too much, at the expense of what you hold dear. But you can recover and embrace the unique you.It’s normal to want to be loved, to fit in, and to be accepted. We care what other’s think. That’s why we all do the dance of give and take – we’re trying to find our place in our family, the workplace, our community and the world. And if you start from a grounded, well-balanced sense of self and others, it isn’t so difficult to stand up for yourself, celebrate the unique person you are, and be your own woman. However, many women have learned that being a people pleaser is safer.

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3 Top Limiting Life Patterns That Keep Women From Reaching Full Potential

Throughout our lives, we picked up subtle (and not-so-subtle) messages about how we "should" behave, which turned into life patterns that hold us back today.Remember your first steps? Before doubt crept in, before you learned about falling, you were fearless. You pulled yourself up, wobbled forward, and tried until you made it. No inner critic, no fear of looking foolish, just pure determination and joy in the discovery of what your body could do. Somewhere along the way, many of us learned to second-guess that natural confidence. We picked up subtle (and not-so-subtle) messages about how we “should” behave, which turned into life patterns that hold us back today.

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Being Spontaneous or Predictable — Which Do You Prefer? Do You Yearn For More?

When life is overwhelming, predictability gives stability like an anchor that keeps you from totally losing it.Predictability is safe. Some say it’s boring. Being spontaneous may be scary or thrilling. Predictability or spontaneity — which makes you feel most alive? Or do you need both?

When life is overwhelming, predictability gives stability like an anchor that keeps you from totally losing it. It creates calm in a world of chaos. At times like these, you’re tapping into the benefits of predictability:

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Engage a Receiving Mindset. It’s The Power Skill That Makes Life Changes Last!

Developing a receiving mindset is more than looking for the silver lining. It’s not rationalizing, talking yourself into seeing negatives positively. Often, we think that changing a behavior means that we stop doing, or give up, something. For example, If I want to stop gaining weight, I need to stop eating sugar or carbs. However, a more positive and productive way to think about it is to engage a receiving mindset. 

What does a receiving mindset look like? You’re going to be adventurous and experiment with different vegetables and fruits and ways of preparing them. As a result, you’ll be gaining a wider variety of food that’s better for you so you feel like you want to feel. You’ll actually be eating more of the good stuff.

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The Unexpected Benefits of Disappointment You Can Use to Your Advantage

Learn to look for and see the surprising benefits of disappointment, so you can turn them to your advantage and manage the emotional fallout better.Disappointment is a difficult emotion to deal with because it’s painful and generally comes from a loss of some kind. And, for most of us, it triggers harsh, critical, judgmental self-talk. Is that your default setting, too? But the good news is we can turn it on its head and use it to our advantage. Yes, there are benefits of disappointment!

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How to Step Forward to a Future You've Created

Discover how to replace your old, self-limiting map with a new map full of possibilities for the future