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Continually grow as a person and find your work/life balance

Motivation vs Self-discipline: Don’t Ask, “Which is Better?” Here’s Why You Need Both!

The life you’ll enjoy most is the life you create for yourself. Yes, there’s a trend of people wanting life to be handed to them or thinking the world owes them, but you and I know that attitude doesn’t bring satisfaction or self-fulfillment. We not only need the desire (Motivation) but we need the baby steps forward (Self-discipline) to make life changes happen. Let me say this again… get rid of the motivation vs self-discipline mentality and adopt the motivation AND self-discipline mindset. This puts us in control of our lives. Amazing things happen when we recognize that we’re in the driver’s seat, as Robert Greene noted, 

“It is time to reverse this prejudice against conscious effort and to see the powers we gain through practice and discipline as eminently inspiring and even miraculous.” 

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Ways to Practice Future Pacing Daily — An Amazing Way to Conquer Life Crises

Future pacing is a neuro-linguistic programming technique that you use to create positive expectations, which gives you the experience of enjoying the desired results right now!It cannot be denied that the pandemic changed us; it inserted a pause into our lives that has been hard to recover from. Have you noticed the different ways it may still impact your motivation? Perhaps it caused you to rethink your possibilities. Or did you put your life on hold and give up on some dreams? How do you get your motivation back? There’s an amazing NLP skill that puts you back in control so you never need to feel helpless like this ever again. It’s future pacing — this is where you direct your mind to go into the future, visualizing something tangible and positive.

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Allow Yourself to Feel Your Emotions & You’ll Make Emotional Barriers Disappear

When you allow yourself to feel your emotions, you’ll make emotional roadblocks disappear and feel safe and confident as the real you becomes visible.“You’re so emotional!” That’s what my client, Janine, heard throughout her early years. And you know it wasn’t said as a compliment, but rather as a reprimand. From this and other negative judgments, Janine learned that it’s not good to allow yourself to feel your emotions. Her caregivers taught her that some emotions were “unacceptable”. 

To gain approval and protect herself from being hurt, she started bottling up her feelings. Not only did she become good at hiding her emotions from others, she began to hide them from herself… to the point where she didn’t know what she liked or even who she was anymore!

Have you ever experienced anything like Janine? When you were sad were you told, “Oh, don’t be such a baby!” or when you were angry, did they say, “That’s so ugly. No one is going to like you, if you keep that up little Missy.”

We react strongly to emotions we judge as negative. Emotions like grief, sadness, anger, shame, and fear make us uncomfortable and afraid. When we see them in others, it’s unpleasant, so we try to make them go away.

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30 Little-Known Business-Enhancing Beliefs that Power Your Success

What is the secret to meeting changes with greater efficiency and effectiveness? It’s the business-enhancing beliefs you cultivate! Our success as business owners depends more on the following business-enhancing beliefs than on techniques and training. 

When you’re a business owner, keeping up with the increasing complexity of the global economy, technology, lifestyles and business opportunities is extremely challenging. It’s vital for you to deal with change and communicate that change to your team with efficiency and effectiveness.

What is the secret to meeting changes with greater efficiency and effectiveness? It’s the business-enhancing beliefs you cultivate! This means you consciously nurture thinking patterns and value systems that serve your greater purpose in life. Learning to live in your body through a deeper awareness of your mind-body connection can accelerate this progress.

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Value Your Time More = Value Yourself More. It’s the Live Big Mindset!

How you value your time reveals the kind of value you place on yourself and if you haven't been honoring your time enough, here are 10 ways to improve. Time is the most precious resource we will ever possess, yet we tend to take it for granted. How you use it reflects not only how much you value your time, but it also reveals your priorities, values, and ultimately, how much you value yourself. 

Why do we sometimes squander the invaluable asset of time?  What are some practical strategies to honor time and, by extension, ourselves? And how can the Live Big Mindset help? You’ll find answers to these questions and more within this article…

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I invite you to learn more about me and my coaching and counseling services. Please contact me to schedule an “It starts with you!” 30-minute complimentary consultation with me, in-person, by phone or via video consultation, so we can explore our partnership.


How to Step Forward to a Future You've Created

Discover how to replace your old, self-limiting map with a new map full of possibilities for the future