Benefits of CrossFit Training for Women Like Me
“Successful people pursue hard things. Unsuccessful people avoid them.” ~ Coach Greg Glassman
I know you highly value health and wellness. That’s why you’re here – because it’s my mission to help you achieve your optimal health through mindfully making good choices. To be totally honest and open, even though I’ve practiced a healthful routine for years, sometimes I lacked motivation. Something was missing. I like how Brian Carter put it, “Even people who aren’t sick may not have optimal wellness.” Is that how you feel? My breakthrough to my optimal wellness happened when I discovered CrossFit training for women like me. It might be exactly what you’re looking for too!
I am so proud to be part of Crossfit Inconceivable community in Ashland Oregon. Over the last almost 3½ years, I have literally changed who I am. I have become the person who:
- works out regularly (Who knew that was possible!?!)
- looks at sweating and challenging myself physically as self-care,
- is more mindful about body fitness and wellness, and
- has found a community of like-minded people that inspire me, challenge me and keep me sane. I love seeing those beautiful faces first thing in the morning. I look forward to feeling inspired everyday.
So I challenge you…if you don’t already have a supportive community that inspires you to makes your workout routine a sustainable habit…what are you waiting for? Go find them! Your wellness program doesn’t have to include CrossFit, because it’s always important to listen to your own body and its limits, but here’s why I love it so much…
Nine benefits from the special way CrossFit training is designed.
1. Somatic approach. As a Somatic Coach, I am all about caring for the whole mind/body/spirit connection. CrossFit training ticks all of those boxes. It’s an intense, full-body workout that prepares you for the unexpected, which has far reaching benefits for your mind and spirit, too.
2. Time-saving. Most CrossFit “Workouts of the Day” can be completed in 15-20 minutes.
3. Dynamic workout. CrossFit combines strength training, explosive plyometrics, speed training, weight lifting, kettle bells, body weight exercises, gymnastics, and endurance exercise. It mixes and matches different exercises to push all parts of your body to their limits. (That’s a good thing!)
4. Variety holds off boredom. Each “Workouts of the Day” is new and exciting. You’re not likely to do the same workout within a 6-month period.
5. Learn what you’re really capable of doing. Each exercise builds on the previous one, so you achieve more than you thought possible.
6. Community. The camaraderie in CrossFit makes this exercise experience so unique. You will be applauded for doing your best, no matter what your best is. No comparisons made!
7. Personal coaching. All CrossFit classes are led by an experienced coach who ensures proper form and standards. Yes, occasionally you’ll get a “no rep” when you’re not doing something properly or not giving it your all. Your coach is your inspiration, counselor, buddy, nutrition advisor and biggest cheerleader.
What actual health benefits can you expect from CrossFit training? For women like me, there has to be tangible results to make it worth investing the time. Wouldn’t you say these benefits are well worth your time?
- heart health
- joint mobility
- stamina
- strength
- coordination
- flexibility
- power
- speed
- agility
- balance
- endurance
- immune system
- creativity
As John F. Kennedy said: “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.”
And that leads me to the two most important benefits from CrossFit training for women like me…
8. New lifestyle.You’re surrounded by people invested in fitness and health, which reinforces your resolve to achieve and maintain total wellness.
9. Mental toughness. You leave behind the practice of taking the path of least resistance or cutting corners. “Taking the easy way out” is no longer in your vocabulary. You discover the difference between discomfort and pain, and you aren’t a quitter.
These benefits literally transformed my life! They make my health and wellness routine sustainable. I look forward to the daily encouragement and inspiration, because it keeps me going. It’s never a burden. And I’m not even tempted to cheat.
Do you want to feel that way about your health routine? I’d love to be part of your supportive community. Please contact me and schedule an “Unlocking Your Potential” 30-minute complimentary consultation (in-person, by phone or via Skype). Let’s work through the rough patches, so you can find your way to YOUR routine for total health and wellness.