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Author: rogue-admin

How to Choose Your State of Mind. It’s THE Power Tool for Positive Living!

Experience peace even under stressful situations, by teaching your brain to access any desired state of mind or mood quickly through anchoring.Every craftsman has a favorite, go-to tool that they always reach for because it reliably gets the job done. Have you thought about what tools you often reach for when you’re in a stressful or difficult situation? For some people, it’s anger. Other people use pouting. Are those the best tools to use? They’re more like using a screwdriver handle to pound a nail. It may do something, but you’re not going to be happy with the results. Plus, you’re more likely to get hurt. So what’s the power tool that you can use to easily shift your mood and choose a more resourceful state of mind, even under trying circumstances?

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Feeling Frazzled? How to Increase Productivity through Body Awareness

You can increase productivity through body movement by learning to match body sensations and emotions, then choosing the most resourceful responses.Breathless, clammy, fuzzy, hot, heavy, dizzy, queasy, or shaky are a few body sensations you may experience when you’re frazzled. What if you could replace those sensations and feel energized, full, expansive, smooth, and radiating? It would definitely not only enhance your productivity, but it would also make you more joyful and confident. But how can you increase productivity through body awareness? Why is body awareness the key?

You’ll often hear people speak of the mind-body-spirit connection. Yet doesn’t it seem like the mind and spirit get most of the attention? What about your body? By increasing your body awareness you’ll be amazed how it enhances your productivity.

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Anchor Your Values, Vision, Mission to Live an Inspired Life

Fundamental to defining your life is defining your values, vision, mission and developing plans for how to actualize them. Without an anchor, a ship is dashed against the shoreline and broken to pieces. Even in calm weather, an anchor prevents you from drifting away from your intended safe haven.

What anchors you? What keeps you stable during life’s storms? What is it that you have on board that gives you a sense of security, when you’re moving full steam ahead — that special something you continually refer back to for balance and strength? Your anchor is made up of three elements: your values, vision and mission, in a combination that will be unique to you. 

Are you still asking these questions: “Why am I here?” “How can I find meaning in my life?” Do you have nagging feelings of purposelessness, lack of fulfillment and meaninglessness?

Perhaps you’ve been so busy doing things that you haven’t taken the time to reflect on whether or not the things you’re doing really matter in the big picture. 

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How to Improve Your State of Mind, Body & Spirit — 5 Proven Techniques

Every day, we cycle through various states — most people think of these as simply emotional and mental shifts that affect our well-being. But I’m going to show you that there’s much more involved. Have you ever had one of those days where everything goes wrong? You wake up on the wrong side of the bed — you feel tired, irritated, unhappy… and that state of mind sours your whole day. You say the wrong things, people totally misunderstand you, your hands fumble and spill coffee on your shirt, you can’t concentrate, and the disasters keep rolling in. No matter how you try to improve your state of mind, you keep getting drawn back into it.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had a reliable way to shift gears? A way to really improve your state of mind by:

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“I Need a Life Coach” – How Ordinary People Get Extraordinary Results!

Raise your hand,  say “I need a life coach” and book a free consultation for Somatic Coaching, if you want to excel personally and professionally.Aren’t Olympic athletes amazing? We marvel at the skill and dedication these athletes bring to their events. They truly know how to get the best out of themselves. They’re living proof that all of us can achieve our dreams if we’re willing to work hard. And the one thing they all have in common? They all have coaches. Coaching is a normal approach to winning. So logically, since we all want to excel at life, wouldn’t it make sense to say, “I need a life coach!”

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I invite you to learn more about me and my coaching and counseling services. Please contact me to schedule an “It starts with you!” 30-minute complimentary consultation with me, in-person, by phone or via video consultation, so we can explore our partnership.


How to Step Forward to a Future You've Created

Discover how to replace your old, self-limiting map with a new map full of possibilities for the future