Written by neways-admin. Posted in Emotional Intelligence, Life Skills, Self-Leadership Skills.
After five years of marriage, Toni learned that her husband was cheating on her and wanted a divorce. Joni kissed her husband goodbye 18 months ago, when he shipped out; today she learned he’s coming home in a coffin. Dawn had given 20 years to a job she loved, when her boss let her go, because they “have to downsize”. What do all of these people have in common? They all have feelings of great loss and grief. Whether or not they come out of it stronger or damaged will depend on how they travel through the grieving process.
Perhaps you’ve had to experience a similar situation where something you cherish has been ripped out of your hands. That pain can be unbearable and may seem like it will never go away. When this happens, please be very kind, gentle and compassionate with yourself. Your body, mind, and spirit need time to process what you’re going through and learn how to adjust to your new circumstances in life.
Even if you’ve never experienced deep loss and grief, please use this information to prepare yourself. Loss and grief will blindside you otherwise, especially if you have unresolved issues. When you have healthy systems in place before a life-altering tragedy befalls you, you will have the internal resources for coping with it in a healthier manner.
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