25 Ways Highly Successful People Make Us Feel Better About Ourselves
Think for a moment about someone that you’re drawn to – can you picture him or her? You can probably identify certain qualities they have such as being charming, gracious, generous, sincere, honest, genuine, open, kind, compassionate, giving, loving…
However, we can gain additional insight into what makes them highly successful by reflecting on their behavior. What is it that they do that brings out the best in us?
When you mindfully observe the way they interact with others, their speech and their actions, then you can model their behavior within your own life. As you read the following list of 25 positive behaviors of highly success individuals, imagine how each item makes you feel. Then you can begin to comprehend how you can use these behaviors to extend this feeling towards others…
1. They step forward with hand extended, head slightly tilted forward, smiling, and expressing sincere delight when meeting you rather than waiting for you to come to them.
2. They respectfully call you by the name that you introduce yourself as, rather than presumptuously giving you a nickname.
3. They are fascinated by you, asking you who, what, where and why questions without prying into off-limits, personal territory.
4. They respect your personal space. If you’re a hugger, they’ll hug you. If you’re uncomfortable with physical touch, they won’t force the issue. (This involves some sensory acuity on your part. Always take your cues from others!)
5. They make you feel important, maintain eye contact as they attentively and patiently listen to every word.
6. They willingly reveal themselves openly and honestly as they show their genuineness.
7. They always keep confidential information confidential.
8. They avoid gossip by tactfully changing the conversation or walking away.
9. They listen more than they speak.
10. They give without expecting anything in return.
11. They recognize even the tiniest of efforts and expresses appreciation for what you’ve done and why you’ve done it.
12.They encourage you to reach your full potential.
13. They trust that you’re doing your best, and they look deeply into each situation for the reasons why you’re doing something rather than jumping to conclusions.
14. They lead by example and willingly “roll up their sleeves” to pitch in where there’s a need before being asked.
15. They are mindful of your feelings, expressing joy when you’re celebrating, expressing sincere sorrow when you’re saddened.
16. They dignify you and bolster your self-esteem and self respect by asking for your help and your opinion.
17. They wait to be asked before giving advice.
18. They look for and focus on the positive in you.
19. They remember their own mistakes, thereby giving you a pass when a mistake is made.
20. They don’t give up on you.
21. They sincerely and openly express their approachableness and humanness while maintaining professionalism.
22. They let you blossom as they gift you with freedom to express yourself within the necessary business or personal boundaries that must be set.
23. They collaborate rather than patronize.
24. They recognize everyone is at different stages of their life’s journey and they encourage, support and guide without stealing your freedom of choice.
25. They make you feel special, smart, and valuable.
Most extraordinary individuals have not achieved their personal and professional greatness by themselves. They’ve learned that we often need to see ourselves through the eyes of others before we can make real transformations. If you’re anxious to make a difference and would like me to mentor you, please contact me so you can reach your full personal and professional potential.